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Coley v GMC, Oldsmobile Division 8.07

Section 28(1)(b)

LATE FILING, Late Reporting, Good cause, Illiteracy, UA Rule 210

CITE AS: Coley v GMC, Oldsmobile Division, Ingham Circuit Court, No. 88-61653-AE (October 12, 1988).

Appeal pending: No

Claimant: Ruby Coley

Employer: GMC, Oldsmobile Division

Docket Nos. B87-09107-106330W


CIRCUIT COURT HOLDING: Where a claimant sat on her rights for seven months after relying on a family member's interpretation of an Agency document, she cannot claim she had good cause for her failure to timely report and file.

FACTS: Claimant was fired by employer on December 13, 1982. She applied for and received benefits for some time. Claimant was denied benefits for period February 20, 1983 through October 22, 1983, due to failure to report and failure to file a continued claim without good cause. Claimant's position was that she stopped reporting after receiving a determination denying her benefits on or about March 8, 1983. Claimant is illiterate. Her daughter read the determination and advised her she no longer needed to report.

DECISION: Claimant is ineligible for benefits under Section 28(1)(a) and (b).

RATIONALE: Under MESC Rule 210(2)(b) - in order to establish "good cause" claimant must show she acted as a reasonable person in light of all the circumstances. Claimant's decision not to report was the result of an exercise of free will. There is no separate standard for illiterate claimants. Claimant waited seven months before investigating her rights and responsibilities with respect to the determination. That behavior does not comport with the meaning of good cause.


14, 13: N/A

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